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Tutoring Service

Unlock Your Potential with Our Tutoring Subscription Plans!

Are you eager to excel in your studies, boost your academic performance, or simply want to explore new subjects and skills? Look no further! Our tutoring website is here to provide you with top-notch education, personalized guidance, and a path to success. We understand that every student is unique, which is why we offer a range of subscription plans tailored to meet your specific learning needs. Let’s take a closer look at the various subscription options available on our platform:


/per session
For individuals who need a one-off tutoring session. This can be work submitted via email, video recordings or live 60 minute session.
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Basic plan is normal

  • Ideal for students looking for occasional help or guidance.
  • Tailored for students focused on mastering a particular subject or skill.
  • Perfect for students seeking supplementary support on specific topics.
  • Discount of 25%/student for group sessions.


/per month
For individuals who need intermittent support. This package includes four live 1 to 1 hourly tutoring sessions per month including feedback on work submitted.
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Standard plan is good

  • Great for students seeking weekly support throughout the academic year.
  • Monthly access to our platform and a broader range of tutoring content.
  • Priority scheduling for tutor sessions.
  • Tailored study plans and progress tracking.
  • Discount of £54/student for group sessions.


/per month
For individuals who need regular support. This includes two live 1 hour sessions(per week), recordings and constructive feedback on work submitted.
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Premium plan is Awesome

  • Designed for students aiming for excellence in their studies.
  • All the benefits of the Standard Subscription, plus:
    • Exclusive access to our most experienced tutors.
    • Priority customer support.
    • Advanced analytics and reporting.
    • Personalized career and academic counselling.

At JC Academy, we believe that education should be accessible, engaging, and empowering. Our subscription plans are designed to accommodate students of all ages, backgrounds, and aspirations. Whether you’re a high school student aiming for top grades, a college student preparing for exams, or a lifelong learner pursuing a new passion, we have a subscription plan that’s perfect for you.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to unlock your full potential. Choose the subscription plan that suits your needs and embark on a journey towards academic excellence and personal growth.

Ready to get started?

Take the first step towards a brighter future!

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